A woman was seriously injured when a fire erupted at an apartment building in Los Angeles on Sunday, authorities said.
Firefighters extinguished a blaze in a Panorama City apartment, with no injuries reported and the fire contained to one unit.
Post-Covid concerns about small landlords are continuing to drive the conversation around renter aid policies.
OPINION- And so the word went out almost precisely two months after fire incinerated most of the Pacific Palisades district in Los Angeles: The water is OK again, you can drink it, come on back ...
PACIFIC PALISADES, LOS ANGELES (KABC ... says they hope one day to turn the destroyed gas station into apartments and the fire has expedited their timeline, but also given them the opportunity ...
With her baby due in a little over a month, Marina Morse has been trying to find a stable place to stay after losing her ...
Rents in January and February rose 0.7 percent across the region — more than double the 0.3 percent increases for apartments ... across Los Angeles as thousands of refugees from fire-scorched ...
Los Angeles may soon consider how to lower the cost of building apartments by allowing just one single stairway.