Julia Wandelt, 23, was held at Bristol Airport on suspicion of stalking Madeleine ... a friend when she was surrounded by officers in front of stunned jet passengers at around 8pm on Wednesday.
Holidaymakers are being urged to be vigilant after multiple complaints from people using parking near Bristol Airport. Jill ...
Bristol Airport's ambitious expansion plans have been branded as 'tone-deaf and reckless' by the Green Party. The airport's masterplan to 2040 outlines a proposal to boost passenger capacity from ...
Bristol Airport’s long-term expansion plans, have been slammed as ‘tone-deaf and reckless,” by the Green Party. The airport’s Master Plan to 2040 sets out proposals to increase passenger ...
was detained at Bristol Airport on suspicion of stalking and harassing Madeleine's parents, Kate and Gerry McCann. Wandelt, who had just flown in from Wroclaw, Poland, was about to meet a friend in ...
was held at Bristol Airport on suspicion of stalking Madeleine’s parents Kate and Gerry McCann, her representative confirmed. She flew in from Wroclaw, Poland and had been due to meet a friend when ...