The depiction of female mental illness in Herk Harvey's 1962 movie 'Carnival of Souls' is rather groundbreaking, exploring trauma, anxiety, and paranoia.
One of the most important things to remember about Carnival of Souls is its age. Major twist endings are a staple of modern cinema. Many big-budget box office movies strive to avoid any sort of ...
Carnival of Souls is a creditable can of film considering it was put together for less than $100,000. The ghost story, on a format more familiar in literature, has Candace Hilligoss, a dressy ...
and Carnival of Souls. My favorite 1960s horror film is more over the top than any of those. It’s also possible that the movie in question had an impact on the world of religion. My favorite ...
and hopped onto the down-tuned grunge movement, in their own special way. The resulting album, 'Carnival of Souls,' was the band's heaviest since 1982's 'Creatures of the Night' and finds lead ...