Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, facing a string of crises, has unexpectedly revived the topic of the pandemic with the ...
An exclusive documentary on Hungary's fight against the pandemic has been published on the Hungarian prime minister's YouTube ...
Az európai uniós külügyminiszterek hétfÅ‘i tanácsülésén az dönti el a magyar szavazatot, hogy az Európai Bizottság ad-e ...
Police in Hungary say they are investigating bomb threats that were sent to more than 240 schools across the country, ...
Maria Margaronis examines Hungary's hardline response to migration in Europe and asks if it's a symptom on the country's troubled history and politics.
In July 2024, Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban decided to help Russian and Belarusian citizens to get visas. The official reason given was that there is an urgent need for skilled workers. The EU ...
Almost four hundred films in eight categories have been registered for the 44th Hungarian Film Festival, which will take place from 3-9 February at the Corvin Cinema in Budapest after a 13-year break.