Harish Kalyan recently starred in the film 'Lappapar Bandhu,’ directed by Tamarasan Pachamuthu, alongside Dinesh, Swasika, ...
Bloody Beggar movie made its streaming debut on Amazon Prime Video on November 29. It was available in Tamil audio with ...
'Star' featuring Kavin in the lead role was released in theatres on May 10, and the film had a terrific start at the box office. Opened with positive reviews, 'Star' had a successful first week at ...
However, as Sivabalan constantly suggested Kavin's name and said that he didn't want any other actor apart from Kavin. Nelson ...
This collaboration marks a unique milestone as she partners with a sixth-generation actor for the first time. “Kavin is the sixth-generation actor I am working with. Rajinikanth sir, Mohanlal ...