We’d wager a bet that you’ve never seen any cuter police recruits than these sweet puppies. Police dogs come in a variety of ...
Natasha Goodall and Jordan Williams say their dog Ralph is not a banned breed - they have hit out at police after the pooch ...
Despite their bad reputation, pit bull breeds are loving companions to many families in the United States. In fact, these ...
Huge rise in stolen Rottweilers revealed by police - which other dog breeds are thieves targeting? - Rottweilers saw the ...
Police arrived with a warrant to search for 'a pit bull type dog, white in colour', and seized the American bulldog, named ...
The Dangerous Dogs Act came into force in 1991 and has banned five dog breeds. Dogs currently banned under law are the Pit ...
Common sense and responsible ownership can prevent attacks, but there are certain breeds that are more likely to be ...
Around 25 per cent of adults in Scotland own a dog, according to Statista, but the responsibility does not come without its ...
A study has found a number of dog breeds are more likely to show aggression to humans - but add that the pooch's experience ...