Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and his demonstrators stream over an Alabama River bridge at the city limits of Selma, Ala., ...
On March 25, 1965, triumphant civil rights demonstrators led by Martin Luther King, Jr. marched into Montgomery, Alabama. It was the culmination of a fifty-mile procession from Selma. As they ...
Alongside Martin Luther King in that pivotal moment for civil rights marched Greek Orthodox Archbishop of the Americas Iakovos.
See Martin Luther King Jr.’s life depicted onscreen in the 2018 documentary I Am MLK Jr. or the Oscar-winning movie Selma. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Baptist minister and civil rights activist ...
About 1,000 miles away, in Selma, Alabama, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was preparing to lead a 54-mile voting rights march to the state capitol, Montgomery. It was a just cause ...
The Selma to Montgomery March and Bloody Sunday deserve to be remembered for their importance to civil rights in the U.S.
Bloody Sunday was a catalyst in the passage of the Voting Rights Act. Sixty years later, some worry about the future of the ...