Council will have to decide city to either repeal the annexation or hold a special election on June 17 to let voters decide ...
Colorado Springs City Council has a few big items on their agenda. First, they will be voting on a gas rate increase that ...
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KKTV) - The push to undo a controversial annexation east of Colorado Springs is moving forward.
April 1 is Election Day in Colorado Springs, and KKTV wants you to Know Before You Vote! Brandy Williams is one of the candidates running for Colorado Springs City Council in District 3.
A petition to reconsider the Karman Line Annexation reached the petition signature requirements on Friday, March 21.
Monday the Colorado Springs City Council is expected to certify the signatures collected to reverse their approval of the 'Karman Line Annexation.' we've been tracking this story and you may recall ...
Get to know Colorado Springs District 6 council candidate Parth Melpakam and his position on issues surrounding development ...
Nick Smith • Special to the Independent Historically known as the impoverished part of Colorado Springs, the southeast has ...
There could soon be a spike on your Colorado Springs Utilities bill. Some residents could see a $6.47 increase per month ...
The Colorado Springs City Council will take two more weeks to modify and consider the city's widespread updates to allow ...
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KRDO) - Petitioners against the Karman Line annexation east of Colorado Springs have gathered enough signatures to send the topic back to the Colorado Springs City Council.
Steamboat Springs City Council received an update Tuesday on the West Steamboat/Core Trail expansion project as part of its ...