Post-Covid concerns about small landlords are continuing to drive the conversation around renter aid policies.
Southern California home prices ticked up in February, the first increase in seven months. The average home price in the ...
A woman was critically injured when a fire erupted at an apartment building in Los Angeles on Sunday, authorities said.
Fire Sunday damaged a unit on the first floor of a three-story apartment building in Panorama City, authorities said. Firefighters dispatched at 9:16 a.m. to 7970 N. Woodman Ave. had the fire out at 9 ...
Firefighters discovered a 30-year-old woman with critical burn injuries Sunday while extinguishing a mattress fire at a two-story apartment building in Exposition Park. Firefighters dispatched at ...
Also, the moves to change the building code follow the enactment in California last year of AB 835, which directs the State ...
OPINION- And so the word went out almost precisely two months after fire incinerated most of the Pacific Palisades district in Los Angeles: The water is OK again, you can drink it, come on back ...
Rents in January and February rose 0.7 percent across the region — more than double the 0.3 percent increases for apartments ... across Los Angeles as thousands of refugees from fire-scorched ...
Gone too is Echo Mountain trail in Altadena, although the Pacers are grateful to have the trails they use from the Rose Bowl ...