A bill proposed in the Texas legislature could charge transgender Texans with a state felony if they commit what proponents call “gender identity fraud.” Republican state Rep. Tom Oliverson ...
AUSTIN, Texas — On Thursday evening, state lawmakers spent several hours hearing testimony on a bill that would restrict who can own land in Texas. Senate Bill 17 would block people from nations ...
A Texas lawmaker has introduced a bill to change the language in the state’s abortion laws to make it clearer when exceptions can be made to save the life of the patient AUSTIN, Texas -- A Texas ...
With unanimous Republican support, the Texas Senate appears poised to pass a priority bill requiring Texans to prove their citizenship before they could vote in state, local, and presidential ...
AUSTIN (KXAN) — A bill filed in the Texas House of Representatives this week threatens to charge transgender Texans with a crime for identifying with a gender that differs from their sex ...
A bill proposed in the Texas legislature could charge transgender Texans with a state felony if they commit what proponents call “gender identity fraud.” Republican state Rep. Tom Oliverson ...
A Republican representative in Texas has introduced a bill that would make being transgender a felony in the state. The bill, authored by Rep. Tom Oliverson, creates a new crime of “gender ...
AUSTIN (Nexstar) – On Wednesday afternoon, the Texas Senate passed Senate Bill 26 with a unanimous vote to raise teacher pay across the state. The bill will now move to the Texas House of ...
Senate Bill 37 would create an Office of Excellence in Higher Education within the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. The new office, led by a governor appointee, would be responsible for ...
He told a Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF) conference that a bill creating $1 billion in education savings accounts has been introduced, and “it has the votes and will become law.” ...
Bettencourt is expected to file a Senate companion bill, but hasn’t done so yet. Many question whether Texas actually has a squatting problem. Adam Swartz, a justice of the peace in Dallas ...