WBZ TV's Levan Reid got a look at how they keep the runways clear during a snow storm at Logan Airport in Boston. Carrie Underwood performs acapella after technical glitch at inauguration Nintendo ...
The city’s non-emergency service line received more than 4,000 reports of icy and unshoveled sidewalks between Jan. 1 and Feb ...
BOSTON - A mix of snow and rain moved through Massachusetts Thursday and there's another storm in the forecast for the Boston area this weekend. Snow, sleet, freezing rain and rain have made for a ...
Boston will go from accumulating snow to an icy slop before changing over to rain. (Danielle Noyes/1°Outside) Localized flooding is possible and ponding of water on the roads. Through the ...
[Today & Tonight] Sun gives way to clouds today with highs around 30/lower 30s. Light snow develops this afternoon/early evening across the Cape/Islands & persists into tonight. Snow accumulations ...
That grab bag of winter precipitation is expected to begin Saturday afternoon with snow as a weather system approaches from the southwest. Boston and everything north of the Massachusetts Turnpike ...
BOSTON - There is another snow storm on the way to Boston and most of Massachusetts this weekend. It's not a blizzard or a nor'easter but it will likely be more snow than we have had in one storm ...