A North Shore drug dealer who was busted for one of the largest seizures of fentanyl in the region, including distributing heart-shaped pink pills that looked like candy, has pleaded guilty.
Placebo pills help you stay on course by taking one daily until the next month. Skipping them can reduce or stop periods. You can speak to your doctor for more advice. Birth control pills are ...
Mon, January 27, 2025 at 1:36 PM UTC I Went to the ER with an Anxiety Attack Before College Finals. The Same Day, Doctors Found Pancreatic Cancer (Exclusive) ...
A Miami-Dade Sheriff’s Office deputy is in jail after he was accused of trafficking drugs. Referee threatened to award touchdown to Eagles for ‘palpably unfair act’ The 20 Best Drummers Ever ...
Classic as it may be, the Cherry Blossom is a divisive candy. Some love it, some hate it, but the bright yellow packaging emblazoned with a cross-section of the treat is an iconic image.
A Miami-Dade sheriff’s deputy is accused of smuggling narcotic pills by hiding them inside bags of candy. Francisco Melo, 36, is suspected of being a narcotics dealer, and instead of being on a ...
Some posts related to obtaining abortion pills were recently hidden on Instagram and Facebook and some accounts were suspended, before being later restored. By Claire Cain Miller Kate Conger and ...