Carnage #2 hits stores this Wednesday, as Eddie walks into a police station and asks to be arrested. What could go wrong?
With Stone Cold Steve Austin being off television throughout most of 2000, The Rock and Triple H picked up the reigns and ...
There are plenty of heroes from the Marvel Universe who need more attention than they get, as well as a few that fans might ...
Fans can enjoy an unexpected name winning the world title if they have some momentum behind them. Vince McMahon went a bit ...
With support from Pearl Jam frontman Eddie Vedder, the Mariners and Padres announced Friday that the two “natural rivals” ...
The complete line-up of "New Thunderbolts" is the Winter Soldier, Black Widow, Wolverine (the Laura Kinney version), Hulk, ...
Wolverine and Carnage join Marvel's Thunderbolts*, battling evil Illuminati duplicates. New Thunderbolts* series debuts June, ...
With the Thunderbolts making their live-action debut soon, Marvel Comics has big plans for the team on the printed page. Not ...
A new Thunderbolts team has assembled at Marvel, and it is one of the most unlikeliest team lineups yet. Marvel’s lethal ...
New Thunderbolts* brings the asterisk from the MCU into its title as it assembles the Marvel Universe's "most dangerous ...
Web of Venomverse: Fresh Brains #1 features multiple stories, each by a different creative team. Writers credited on the one ...
Varland could become the latest in a long line of "failed" starters throughout Twins history to turn into impact relievers.