One of the biggest celebration events in the Muslim calendar is to take place inside Bristol Cathedral next month. Cathedral staff are working with Muslims4Bristol and Bridges for Communities to ...
One of the biggest celebration events in the Muslim calendar is to take place inside Bristol Cathedral next month. Cathedral staff are working with Muslims4Bristol and Bridges for Communities to put ...
A giant illuminated sculpture of the sun is to go on display at a cathedral. Liverpool Cathedral said it was "thrilled" to be ...
A new exhibition which offers a “unique opportunity to get up close to our planet” is coming to Blackburn Cathedral ... his latest creation the ‘Gaia’ between October 6 and November ...
Hundreds of people are expected to attend a Grand Iftar event which is being held in Bristol Cathedral for the second consecutive year. Bristol Cathedral, Muslims4Bristol and Bridges for ...
The Grand Iftar was also celebrated inside Bristol Cathedral in 2024, which is when the above photograph was taken Hundreds of people are expected to attend a Grand Iftar event which is being held ...
The day kicked off with a delicious lunch on the top floor of We the Curious where participants could enjoy panoramic views across the city and Bristol Cathedral, albeit under slightly cloudy skies!
But, during the 12th and 13th centuries, Bristol did indeed emerge as one of England’s most important and wealthiest cities. With its expansive natural harbour, booming trade networks ...
The future of Bristol's van-dwelling community is set to be discussed after it was revealed the number of people living in vehicles had gone up by more than 400% in the past five years.
Choral Scholarships and Exhibitions (soprano, alto, tenor and bass) are available at the Cathedral Church of Saints Peter and Paul, Clifton (Clifton Cathedral) and are open to those in full time ...