Make your antibiotic medication as effective as possible by getting these answers before you leave the doctor's office or pharmacy.
Getting hooked on self-help books can have both positive and negative outcomes. Knowing when to break the habit of fixing ...
Scholar argues for tele-prescription reforms that can increase patient access to necessary controlled substances.
New DTC platforms like LillyDirect and PfizerForAll are triggering a paradigm shift in how pharma companies connect with patients.
According to the Texas State Board of Pharmacy, state law does allow pharmacists to substitute a brand-name medication with a generic version as long as the patient doesn't refuse it or the doctor ...
True or false? A trip to the doctor's is guaranteed to make you feel better. The answer is false, unfortunately, as all-too-common issues like medical errors can send patients home feeling worse ...
Why do doctors have bad handwriting’ says despite doctors’ incredible education and a job that requires critical attention to detail, they just can’t seem to make their handwriting readable to others.