And already in the first fortnight of March, 609 cases have been reported. There were 683 cases in the whole month of March ...
The deadly H5N1 strain of bird flu travelled 6,600 kilometres over the sea to Kerguelen Island, which is just 440km from ...
Avian influenza — also known as bird flu — has ripped through chicken farms in southern Australia since May last year. The outbreak has led to the culling of more than 10 per cent of the national ...
South Australia and the Federal Government's ongoing preparations against the threat of bird flu and other emergency animal diseases are getting a ...
Fast-spreading avian influenza in Australia has forced egg producers to destroy millions of chickens across the country.
The Food and Drug Administration was allowed to participate in the World Health Organization's meeting this week on updating ...
Massachusetts has reported a spike in neurological symptoms among pediatric flu patients in 2025, but national trends aren’t ...
Pandemic influenza remains a significant global health threat, as signalled by the circulation and cross-species transmission of avian influenza A(H5N1) viruses from the clade, including ...
The Food and Drug Administration has issued recommendations for the composition of influenza shots for the upcoming ...
A further 25 poultry flocks were infected with the H5N1 HPAI virus serotype, according to the national veterinary agency’s ...