That day on the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma ... Friday, March 7, 7-10 p.m. Where: The Nest at ASU Stadium, 915 S. Jackson St., Montgomery Info: The public is invited to a welcome reception at ...
Charles Mauldin was near the front of a line of voting rights marchers walking in pairs across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, on March 7, 1965. The marchers were protesting white ...
At the apex of the span over the Alabama River, they saw what awaited them: a line of state troopers, deputies and men on ...
Brown Chapel A.M.E Church in Selma, Alabama, a pivotal location during the civil rights movement, is undergoing a $1 million renovation. The African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund ...
The population of the small historic town of Selma, Alabama swells once a year as people from around the nation flock to its downtown and its churches before finally gathering for the crescendo ...
Selma, Alabama, has a population less than 20,000 people. As organizers welcome thousands of visitors to commemorate the 60 th anniversary of Bloody Sunday in Selma, Alabama, planners say 2025 ...
"What took place on that bridge literally changed the face of American politics," says Alabama Democrat Terri Sewell, who grew up in Selma and now represents the city in Congress. Her mother ...
News coverage of the violence that day reverberated around the world, shedding new light on how far Alabama authorities would go to protect white supremacy. Hosea Williams, left, who led a march in ...
Selma Mayor James Perkins Jr. grew up when Jim Crow laws still reigned in Alabama, but he looked out over the more than 30 Congressional leaders Friday and told them he has never seen people more ...