John Reynolds returned to Selma for the 60th anniversary of both the SCOPE program and the Selma to Montgomery march.
A year later, in the spring of 1965, King sent out a call to white college students from the North like me and others at Ripon College “to stand up” and come to Selma, Alabama, for a five-day march to ...
Democracy needs defending. This generation has a rendezvous to cross its Edmund Pettus Bridge. Let them take inspiration from ...
March 7th has seen its fair share of pivotal moments throughout history.One of the most notable events on this day occurred ...
Events for the Jubilee Anniversary of the Selma Bridge Crossing began in Selma on Friday. The theme on Friday was all about ...
Bloody Sunday 60th anniversary march in Selma, Alabama and another ceremonial march in Little Rock, Arkansas hosted by NAACP ...
Alongside Martin Luther King in that pivotal moment for civil rights marched Greek Orthodox Archbishop of the Americas Iakovos.
Make no mistake about it, this event led to the passage of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, which gave the vote to Black Americans ...
James "Spider" Martin was assigned to photograph the protests in Alabama after civil rights activist Jimmie Lee Jackson was ...
About 1,000 miles away, in Selma, Alabama, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was preparing to lead a 54-mile voting rights march to the state capitol, Montgomery. It was a just cause ...