If you're in college, money is likely tight. You can generally file your taxes for free if you have a straightforward return. Taxpayers with adjusted gross incomes of $84,000 or less can prepare and ...
Do you drive for business, charity or medical appointments? Here are the details regarding claiming mileage on taxes.
Those extra expenses make claiming any available tax deductions all the more important. Here are five you should be sure not ...
Employment Insurance (EI) benefits information, how to apply and how to submit a report. If you are self-employed, get information about the EI special benefits program, the agreement you will need to ...
Bad tax information on social media, aggressive marketing tactics, and "ghost" tax preparers can create huge headaches with ...
Please save documents using the following naming convention: DOCUMENT TYPE-LAST NAME ... of tax forms in all locations requesting applicants’ signature in blue or black ink to certify original ...
Sirius Solutions appealed a US Tax Court ruling to increase its taxable net earnings from self-employment by $7.37 million for 2015 because the roles and activities of its state-law limited partners ...
Self-taught and fueled by a love for makeup, she gradually gained clients through word of mouth and mutual connections. Soon, she was posting makeup tutorials on Facebook, which helped her build a ...
The WTSA argues that the tax rises are self-defeating for the government ... at a 30p to 40p increase on a pint because of higher employment costs. Last week, Wetherspoons chief executive Tim ...