When I think about what we can learn from the Selma marches, the single most important advice I give is to listen to others.
SELMA, AL – Sixty years have passed since a group of peaceful protesters were severely beaten after crossing the Edmund ...
Sheyann Webb-Christburg was eight years old when Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. attempted to lead hundreds in a march from Selma ...
On Sunday, March 9, 2025, a large group gathered in Selma, Alabama, to mark the 60th anniversary of a clash that became known ...
This month, our nation remembers the heroes of Selma, Alabama.  Sixty years ago, they marched for voting rights, survived brutal beatings, and inspired the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
This Jubilee was a revival of spirit and purpose, not a retrospective, with the goal of encouraging people in the audience to fight for justice.
Hundreds marched across the Edmund Pettus Bridge honoring 60 years since Bloody Sunday. Activists say the fight for voting rights continues, urging civic engagement.
In an op-ed, SPLC President and CEO Margaret Huang reflects on 60 years of struggle, marching and sacrifices for civil, ...
Wynola Fuller, who lives in Fairfield, remembers the events of 1965. She also remembers going to Selma previously in her youth to visit relatives. Yet, Sunday was Fuller’s first time returning to ...
You can see Spider Martin's photographs at a new exhibition in City Hall 📸 #spidermartin #selmatomontgomerymarch #votingrightsact #selma #montgomery nw ...
Officials with Pike Road Schools are speaking out after a piece of artwork created by a student drew online controversy.