A sombre mood prevailed as a resolute group of elite US soldiers waited to board Flying Tiger Line Flight 739 on a secret ...
This article explores the topic of military registration. The potential probability of reinstating the draft, the existing ...
Green Beret Robert Howard is the only one of the 3,547 Medal of Honor recipients to be nominated for the United States’ top ...
Sitting peacefully amid us in the Pacific Northwest is one of the defining symbols of a trigger-point to America’s involvement in Vietnam in the 1960s and '70s.
The New York-born businessman had already avoided being drafted four times by this point, seen as being in college was ...
One of the most devastating conflicts the United States has ever taken part in, this 20-year war was fought in the area ...
The Broomfield Veterans Museum’s March 22 daylong symposium will honor the veterans who served in the Vietnam War 60 years ...
US security guarantees in Vietnam and Afghanistan should give Ukraine and all US allies pause when considering their value ...
The US Air Force unveils the Skyraider II, a modernized Vietnam-style combat plane built for close air support, ISR, and ...