If you’re out on a kayak, canoe, or boat, you just have to be aware of your surroundings and not approach these animals.” ...
More than 100 of the stir-crazy predators reportedly escaped in the ... which claims to operate high animal welfare standards despite allegations of extensive suffering on farms.
A woman suffered injuries to her arm when she was attacked by a large alligator during a group kayaking trip to the popular Tiger Creek Preserve area in Florida, US ...
Unsustainable fishery in the Western Indian Ocean, and the Laccadive and Arabian Seas at alarming levels compared to the ...
Before you watch up a wind-up monkey toy terrorize a bunch of adults, refresh yourself with other childhood toy agents of chaos ...
During a kayaking trip at Tiger Creek Preserve, a natural reserve in Polk County, central Florida, a woman was bitten by an ...
Ben Affleck's Netflix thriller "Animals" has cast Ray Fisher, Mark Kassen and Christopher Woodley alongside Gillian Anderson ...
Snyderverse fans, rejoice. Two of that world’s Justice League members are teaming up in a new thriller for Netflix. Variety ...
Trail cameras in Murrysville have captured new photos of a fisher, a rare animal and a member of the weasel family. PixCams, an organization that has several wildlife live streams first spotted ...