One of the three viral baby bald eagles in California has died following a severe winter storm. Friends of Big Bear Valley ...
Following speculation of its wellbeing after its disappearance, one of Jackie and Shadow’s eaglets has died, Friends of Big ...
One of the three eaglets that recently hatched in the nest of Southern California's famous bald eagle couple Jackie and ...
One of the three eaglets that recently hatched in the nest of Southern California's famous bald eagle couple Jackie and ...
The third egg of a popular bald eagle couple in Big Bear, California, named Jackie and Shadow, has begun to hatch. Friends of ...
Jackie and Shadow, the Big Bear bald eagle couple whose parenting journey has been livestreamed to the world, appear to be ...
Jackie and Shadow are now the proud parents of two eaglets who have hatched as thousands tune in to a livestream of an eagle ...
Thousands have monitored the Big Bear bald eagles' nest via a popular livestream. Jackie and Shadow's good news follows years ...
Friends of Big Bear Valley announced the hatching update on Facebook​ late Thursday morning. "Today at 10:21 we spotted Pip ...
Parents Jackie and Shadow still have one egg to tend to, hopeful that a trio of eaglets will complete their new family.
The nest's livestream on YouTube has shown only two of the three recently hatched chicks since Friday morning.