Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner’s office unfairly accused two former prosecutors of misconduct as it sought to ...
District Attorney Larry Krasner and his Democratic primary challenger, former Judge Patrick Dugan, met in front of an ...
The men were convicted in the 2021 fatal shooting in Strawberry Mansion of Chaundrah Jones, 24, a Delaware County mother of ...
Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner was among the witnesses who took the stand in a City Hall courtroom last week to ...
Former city prosecutor Beth McCaffrey filed the request after DA Larry Krasner alleged that she and another former prosecutor ...
The Democratic candidates agreed on most issues but highlighted their differences on issues like the city’s crime rate and ...
Calvin Gatewood was recently convicted for his role in the prohibited transfer of four firearms to known members of the ...
CQ: Calvin Gatewood; Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner; Anthony Woodson; Salahaldin Mahmoud, along with Sircar Johnson, Jr; Assistant District Attorney Bill Fritze.
Three members of the Big Naddy Gang, which terrorized Strawberry Mansion and other parts of the city in 2021, have just been ...
Philly District Attorney Larry Krasner detailed convictions and sentencings for members of the "Big Naddy Gang" who killed 3 ...
Three more BNG members entered guilty pleas for murders and related offenses, and could be spending much or all of their remaining lives in prison.