22-летняя Мариам Шенгелия представит Грузию на конкурсе песни «Евровидение» в этом году. 18 грузинских исполнителей выразили желание ...
“The EU Ambassador was defeated in the elections after openly campaigning for the collective ‘National Movement’ against the Georgian Dream and failing to condemn the violent rallies held in Georgia,” ...
აჭარის განათლების, კულტურისა და სპორტის სამინისტროს ...
“What we were talking about for three years and for which we were labelled as pro-Russian, anti-Western, is now being repeated word for word by the new U.S. administration, including our statements ...
“No one has the right to override the will of the Georgian people. We witnessed an attempt to do exactly that at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe,” stated Shalva Papuashvili, ...
გიორგი გულიაშვილმა „სარაევოში“ კიდევ ერთი გოლი გაიტანა და ...
2025-ci ilin vahid milli, ümumi magistratura imtahanlarına, eləcə də tələbə qrant müsabiqəsinə qeydiyyat martın 5-i saat 10:00-da başlayacaq və aprelin 2-si saat 18:00-da başa çatacaq. Bu haqda ...
Air traffic has resumed at Batumi International Airport. The first flight to Tel Aviv has already departed from the airport named after Alexander Kartveli, and today, February 26, an additional 12 ...