Sony now faces the prospect of having new Starship Troopers and Helldivers movies going up against each other, although The ...
After a long wait and a bunch of disappointing straight-to-DVD sequels, Starship Troopers is still trying to live forever ...
The “Terran Federation” of Heinlein’s original “Starship Troopers” is run entirely by military veterans, and people have to ...
Before Neill Blomkamp ’s upcoming Starship Troopers film reignites the bug-squashing hype, it’s worth taking a moment to ...
Sony Pictures has hired Neill Blomkamp ("District 9") to direct their remake of the sci-fi action film "Starship Troopers." ...
Starship Troopers is getting a new interpretation from filmmaker Neill Blomkamp, coming soon from Columbia Pictures.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Neill Blomkamp ("District 9") has been tapped to write and direct a new version of ...
Neill Blomkamp is doing his part. The District 9 filmmaker is working on a new Starship Troopers movie for Sony's Columbia ...