Legislation to regulate automated license plate readers in Virginia had a brief defeat in a committee before being revived ...
Susan Swecker, who has led Virginia Democrats through a decade of ups and downs, is stepping down as party chairwoman.
In just 9 days early voting will commence and we will have the opportunity to vote for not just the President, but Senator and US House Representative ... on abortion and Virginia Gov.
General Assembly session at its halfway point, Republicans and Democrats have differing views on the session so far.
A majority of Virginians support including the right to an abortion in the Virginia Constitution and approve of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) receiving annual state funding ...
Tuesday was crossover in Virginia’s legislature, the last day the chambers can consider their own legislation. From Wednesday ...
Before anything gets to the governor’s desk, each House bill has to be considered by the Senate and vice versa. All of it has ...
Tuesday was the deadline for the House and Senate to complete work on their own bills. Expect some defeated or vetoed measures to resurface as issues in the fall campaigns.
The potential ramifications could be far-reaching, positioning the 2024 election on abortion and Virginia Gov ... The six Dranesville Supervisor, House, and Senate candidates will discuss Great ...
It looks like it'll be a rematch this year between Democrat Sara Ratcliffe and Republican incumbent Del. Nick Freitas in ...
Most Virginians probably do not know that Virginia’s law requiring parental consent for a minor’s abortion is in jeopardy if a proposed amendment (HJ 1/SJ 247) to the Virginia Constitution ...
Alonzo Bland Jr., of Richmond, did everything the state asked of him following his felony conviction: He served time in state ...