However, people can use the ... six stages to this 93-mile trek in the Rhineland Palatinate. It begins in the ancient Roman ...
The Next Generation's most famous memes originated from a surprisingly emotional scene between Captain Picard and Q.
Certain Voyager episodes laid the groundwork for Seven of Nine's future as a Starfleet Captain with her own command in Star ...
Kate Mulgrew, famous for her role as Captain Kathryn Janeway in Star Trek: Voyager, had a surprising experience which piqued her interest and love for space.
Some fans will go to great lengths to get a celebrity autograph and even request that they sign unusual things, including ...
And amid the shock news, filmmaker Frances Ford Coppola and George Takei were among the famous names leading ... helmsman of the USS Enterprise in Star Trek, posted a touching tribute to the ...
24.Lord of the Rings also used a bunch of miniatures — here's the famous bridge scene in Khazad-dûm. It was filmed with a few set pieces for close-ups and otherwise almost entirely used miniatures ...
MANY moons before he became the world’s most famous spaceman, long before his talks and books and music started inspiring ...
Veteran singer-songwriter James Lee Stanley is a former U.S. Air Force Chinese-language specialist and the subject of an ...
Police sources confirmed Trachtenberg's death to People, ABC and the New York Post ... on Instagram as recently as Feb. 18. Read More 'Star Trek,' 'Transformers' screenwriter Roberto Orci dies ...