A G1 (minor) geomagnetic storm is often the result of Earth plunging into a fast stream of the solar wind, or when a small, ...
Geomagnetic storms are capable of sparking beautiful displays of the Northern Lights across our night sky. However, there is a potential danger behind that beauty, especially now, with solar activity ...
Between spotting galaxies that shouldn't exist, capturing the interstellar medium with unprecedented clarity, and identifying ...
The human body was not built for spaceflight, with its microgravity conditions, exposure to high-energy radiation and other ...
The human body was not built for spaceflight, with its microgravity conditions, exposure to high-energy radiation and other ...
Electromagnetic metamaterials with negative physical parameters such as negative dielectric constant and negative magnetic permeability have attracted ...
Podcast: This episode explores whether children’s weaker selective attention is a hidden strength by addressing findings on attention, memory, and childhood learning.
Magnetic field data collected by ESA's Swarm satellites and other sources has been coverted into these frightening sounds. The "audio represents the magnetic field generated by Earth's core and a ...
Safety critical components for aircraft and Formula 1 racing cars could one day be 3D printed via a new technique, developed ...
In a partnership between FSU, the National Maglab and the city of Tallahassee, 'Maggie', the magnetically levitating sculpture is unveiled during the 2025 Motor, Drive Systems and Magnetics (MDSM) ...
A quantum 'miracle material' could support magnetic switching, a team of researchers has shown. A quantum "miracle material" could support magnetic switching, a team of researchers at the University ...