A subcommittee advanced a package dubbed the "Florida Farm Bill." Targets include "any additive" to water "for health-related ...
The bills would ban local governments from having any DEI programs or spending, state agencies from contracting with ...
Brian Leebrick signed on as Bay County’s attorney in January. Almost immediately, he identified the need to update county ...
A few blocks downhill from the towering state Capitol, where it all happened, Florida State University’s law school recently ...
If you’re heading abroad for your summer holidays this year, you should be mindful of the laws in your chosen destination.
The big news: News about school library book challenges have faded in many parts of Florida in recent months, though the ...
A new bill working its way through toward the 2025 legislature bans drivers from driving in the far left lane. unless passing other vehicles.
Your Florida House and Senate representatives and Gov. Ron DeSantis need to know how you stand on this issue. Once lost, natural Florida will be gone.