In fact, Wallis and her colleagues revealed that DENND1B, along with four other genes they’d linked to canine obesity, were ...
Dogs are a good model for studying human obesity because they develop obesity through similar environmental influences as ...
Learn more about a gene called DENND1B, an obesity gene humans and Labrador retrievers share.
Researchers at the University of Cambridge have identified a bunch of genes linked to obesity in dogs – and found the very ...
New research reveals obese humans and Labradors may share the same gene variant - DENND1B - that causes them to overeat. The ...
A gene linked to obesity in Labradors is the same one found in humans, scientists say. The discovery could help researchers ...
The gene with the strongest tie is DENND1B — humans also carry it. The gene DENND1B may explain why certain dogs and humans ...
A study from the University of Cambridge has uncovered a genetic link between Labrador retrievers and humans that sheds new ...
Researchers at the University of Cambridge have discovered genes linked to obesity in both Labradors and humans. They say the ...
Researchers have discovered genes linked to obesity in both Labradors and humans. They say the effects can be over-ridden ...
Researchers examining British Labrador retrievers have identified multiple genes connected to canine obesity. The ...