"A mouse also requires less food and less space to live. If the climate changes, one of the many offspring may survive. That ...
"Alcohol influences the experience of who you are and who you can be. It's a new and unique experience of freedom. Part of ...
Why do we love soda? ASK A RESEARCHER: When carbonation bubbles in the mouth, the brain receives the same signals as when we eat spicy food. Sciencenorway.no brings you science news from Norway. This ...
The trigeminal nerve has multiple functions. It typically alerts the brain to sensations like pain, cold, heat, and spicy ...
SHARE YOUR SCIENCE: Turkish TV dramas have already travelled to over 140 countries around the world. Could Scandinavia be the next destination? Sciencenorway.no brings you science news from Norway.
SHARE YOUR SCIENCE: Turkish TV dramas have already travelled to over 140 countries around the world. Could Scandinavia be the next destination? Sciencenorway.no brings you science news from Norway.
Turkish TV dramas have already travelled to over 140 countries around the world. Could Scandinavia be the next destination?
"Norway and the Nordic countries have a pagan heritage to be somewhat proud of. A heritage that few have been aware of," says ...